$295.00 USD

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Access: You will have online access to Yes to Birth: Childbirth Education & Techniques for a total of 10 months. All MP3's and e-book can be downloaded directly to your device, ensuring they become a lifelong resource.


Communications: Your purchase includes a subscription to the Feel Good Affair newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Yes to Birth! Childbirth Education & Techniques

A transformational childbirth education program that provides techniques of hypnosis, relaxation, breathing, pleasure and connection to create the most joyful and empowering birth. Whether you're giving birth at the hospital, home or birth center, Yes To Birth will leave you feeling prepared, confident, and relaxed to experience birth and meet your baby.


  • Immediate access to all the Yes to Birth classes, so you can be confident, relaxed and prepared for the most empowering birth possible
  • A connecting practice session with your birth-partner
  • Course e-book to accompany you through the program and the actual birth day
  • BONUS: Yes to Birth audio relaxation program for Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond - downloadable MP3s to assist you in a hypnosis-based experience